Europe and worldwide
AXXAZ Europe GmbH combines simplicity with quality. For employees and customers, there is one regional branch that gives you access to our network of professionals in every European country. AXXAZ can train, recruit, employ and pay wages in any country of Europe as AXXAZ has participations or exclusive partnerships in these countries.
Meanwhile, AXXAZ is recruiting worldwide and has its own agencies in Australia, Canada, Egypt, Gaza, Philippines, Jordan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Ukraine, Russia, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia. AXXAZ also supplies European employees worldwide outside Europe, helping both employees and customers with the complexity of international compensation.Inmiddels rekruteert AXXAZ wereldwijd en heeft eigen agentschappen in o.m. Australië, Canada, Egypte, Gaza, Filipijnen, Jordanië, Nigeria, Indonesië, Oekraïne, Rusland, Marokko, Libië en Tunesië. Ook levert AXXAZ Europese medewerkers wereldwijd buiten Europa, waarbij zowel medewerker als klant geholpen worden met complexiteit van internationale verloning.
In addition to the necessary permits, certifications, membership fees and agreements with the local tax authorities and social security institutions, AXXAZ is also able to give legal and tax professional shape to international mediation and remuneration. Through our sincere interest in the employee and customer as a person, in their workplace, company and culture, we achieve our high level of quality. Working with international skilled workers via AXXAZ is a safe choice.
The ageing of the population and the lack of skilled workers have led to a rapidly changing international labour market in Europe, which has stimulated global labour mobility. Within Europe, it is no longer possible to be without international professionals. Take advantage of AXXAZ’s knowledge of the international labour market! AXXAZ works where employees and clients need us!
Flexibility and internationalisation are our strength.
Globalisation, increasing European integration, the ageing of the population and the changing economic climate make it necessary for companies to respond more quickly and flexibly than ever to market demand and supply.
As a result, flexibility and internationalisation of staff are now the most important condition for successful entrepreneurship. AXXAZ is the most suitable partner for employers, because we have our own locations, support centres and exclusive partnerships in every country of the European community and worldwide.
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